Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog Day 1

How My Day Was..
I figured I would write on how yesterday was since I haven't completed today yet. I went to work and had a fun day with my co-workers. While sitting at my desk my co-worker walked in with a pen straight out and dangling from the pen was a dirty red THONG underwear! She said she found it in the hall straight down from the offices. In our office not many people go down that hall except for employees which made it all the more funny. We never found out who the thong belong to but it has made for fun pranks around the office.
Also last night I talked to my sister sarah (who is probably the best wife ever) She told me about her dinner ideas and all the wonderful things she cooks which made me realize i need to be more of a housewife.. So last night i cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom (yet to still make dinner everynight :))
My day was eventful and fun, Pregnancy sickness is getting better but still tired all the time. Hopefully I can keep up with this 30 day blog to keep everyone in the loop!


Condie Family said...

You are just as good of a wife as I am. In fact, probably better. Lately I've been crying everyday for no reason...poor Garrett. Good job on cleaning the kitchen!

Chelsea said...

I have two words for you

Freezer Meals!

I cook once a month, it's awesome! I never feel like cooking when I get home from school so I just reheat something I made at the beginning of the month. I use this cookbook,, and the recipes are all cheap and delish, I've yet to make one I don't like.