Sunday, December 11, 2011

Head start on New Years resolution!

Awhile back my sister-in-law Anna and I decided we were going to prepare to run our 1st 5k. We signed up for the Turkey Dash in smithfield. My mom watched the kids while Anna and I did the 5k because the boys went hunting. The 1st mile was hard for me and I had to slow to a fast walk a few times. Once we hit half way we were able to finish without slowing down! We finished the race in 40 min. We decided to make a goal to do a 5k a month. I was a little nervous about this since I could barely walk the next day I was so sore!

We Found a Santa run last week at Hill Air Force Base and decided to do it for our December race. This time it was on a thursday during the day so we had to bring our kids with us. We figured it was okay if we didnt beat our time since we had strollers and kids. It was pretty cool to run at the Air force base because the Jets would take off and land right next to where we were running. We also all wore santa hats which I thought was fun! This time we only had to stop once when my nephew threw out his blanket and we actually beat our time with strollers! We were so excited! This time I wasnt even sore the next day. It is so fun to accomblish this goal and to run with my sister in law! Cant wait for the next one.

1 comment:

John and Anna said...

Yay for meeting our goal! I'm stealing these pictures and putting them on my blog now. :) I'm glad you got pictures! :)