I am sure most of you have realized that my 30 day challenge only turned out to be a 6 day challenge! I figured it would probably just be better to write when I have the time and something to write about.
October was such a fun month, A few weeks ago I got to go up to Rupert Idaho and spend the weekend with my Sister and Brother in-law. I had a cold but it was so much fun! Sarah,Mom, Abbey and I went to a craft fair where i purchased my first Christmas decoration for my house, Also I got glitter toes which are still looking good! It was such a fun weekend and am so thankful for Family.
Halloween weekend was really nice also, Josh and I went to our Wards Christmas Party and the trunk or treat then stayed home and watched movies! It was a very low key holiday but still fun!
We are now excited for November, This is what our schedule looks like:
November 15: We have our next doctor appointment and will find out the gender of our baby!!
November 25: Make Rolls for thanksgiving dinner. Then to the grandparents house for Thanksgiving ( Josh was supposed to go to Peru for work but the trip got canceled)
November 26: Black Friday shopping with all the Girls!
November 27: Salt Lake Trip with the Family
November 28: Start decorating for Christmas